Take your organization to the next level with Talent and Technology as a service

A happy employee is 40% more productive

HR tools and services at your disposal

Our Talent and Technology as a Service is designed to enhance organizations’ capability in acquiring and leading people. With our monthly service package HR help is always at your reach.

Choose your subscription

Lean Flex Power
Online service portal
Dedicated account manager
Dedicated service team

Coaching & support

1 day / month

1 day / month

Coaching & support

12 day / month

1000 € / month

1000 € / month

1000 € / month

Not the right fit? Tailor your services by building a custom package.

Custom subscription

Select services you are interested in.

Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS
Dedicated contact from MPS

How does it work

Online connection

Rapid and accurate co-operation model via easy-to-use online portal and/or your dedicated MPS account person. Which ever suits your needs.

Tools and services

We provide you with the total HR service package making your life easier. Whether they are digital tools or personal services they all are included into our service portfolio.

Increase competence via trainings, E-learning and webinars

Get personal or team training, selection of our e-learning content and attend our dedicated webinars on HR, leadership and company culture.